Du Petit Cardine

Du Petit Cardine Setter Gordon

Setter Gordon

News of JILL in Sweden

Actualité publié le 14/09/2015

Du Petit Cardine - News of JILL in Sweden

Après les bons résultats de JACKSON & JOY en France à la Finale du Trophée Espoirs 2015, voici le premier résultat de JILL en Suède.
Today Jill was on her first competition on fields (hunting) in Sweden.

The competition was for Brittish pointing dogs ( it was Setter Gordon, Setter English, Setter Irish, and Pointer dogs).

She had 3 races.

The first race Jill didn´t run so good. It was just acceptable. She had one bird (fasan) and it was a hit.

The second race Jill run very good, but now birds.

The third race she run good and first she had a hit. After that that she had a very good point and the bird lifted and was quite calm under fire and when the bird flew.

Jill got a 3:e price ( BON) in her first competition.

Encore merci à Bengt, pour les nouvelles de Jill qu'il me fait parvenir régulièrement.
